Minimalism in Art, Design, Philosophy & Lifestyle

Sunrise Landscape Minimalism In this blog Minimalism is explored in detail while adding my perspective under following sections. The blog highlights are:  Delving into the Concept of Minimalism. Four Dimensions of Minimalism. Decluttering is a Fraction of what Minimalism Really Means. Discussing Basic Dimensions of Intentional Minimalism. Decluttering is only as good as the maturity of the heart out of which it proceeds. Focusing on What Really Matters. Minimalism in Art. Minimalism & Philosophy. The Impact of Minimalist Design Across Disciplines. History and Foundations. Important Figures in the Minimalist Movement. The Evolution of Minimalist Design Key Characteristics of Minimalist Design. Minimalism in Contemporary Culture. Criticism and Limitations of Minimalism in Art & Design. Exploration of Diverse Disciplines. Minimalism in Theatre & Filmmaking. Minimalism as a Lifestyle NOTE: This blog article contains some affiliate links.  Delving into the Concept of...

Understanding the Significance of Mental Wellbeing

Thriving places -Mental Wellness(green spaces, health, wellness)
Mental Well-being Awareness

Maintaining overall well-being has a powerful influence on physical health, learning, productivity, and the quality of interpersonal relationships. We can say that a healthy mind is a must for a healthy body and a fulfilling life.   

     Emotional and mental well-being stems from having a positive self-image, following a healthy lifestyle, and pursuing productive goals. It enables us to form better relationships and experience a higher quality of life. It profoundly affects all areas of our life and well-being.

Mental wellness, wellbeing
Mental Wellness & Well-being
Mental wellbeing, mental health, coping , resilence
Mental Well-being 

Mental Well-being

Mental well-being is relevant to everyone just as physical well-being is. Mental well-being is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as: "Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder. It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community

      Health is generally considered as the condition of our bodies, how healthy we eat, and the physical exercise we do. It is also significant because general health ensures mental well-being. Mens sana in corpore sano is a Latin phrase, that means "a healthy mind in a healthy body".  However, a key component of health is missing from this and it is mental wellbeing, which encompasses our inner workings and the way we describe how we are in our lives. Sometimes everything looks and seems good but deep down there are seeds of unacknowledged inner thinking ready to eat away a healthy body. 

Five core elements of mental well-being

Martin Seligman, a pioneer of positive psychology, defined a model of well-being described by the acronym PERMA. The model recognizes five core elements of well-being and happiness and shares how to incorporate them into behaviors to improve mental health and well-being:

Positive Emotions

We can have more positive emotions by practicing gratitude and forgiveness about the past, mindfulness in the present, and optimism about the future. 


Engage in the things that interest you to the point of getting absorbed and losing track of time in the joy of discovery or doing.


Focus on your relationships with family and friends, and find ways to connect. 


Meaning and purpose come from focusing on why what we’re doing matters to someone other than ourselves. Aligning our efforts and strengths to what matters to us. 


Strive for the satisfaction of further mastery.

Facing Adversity

Mental well-being is the state of thriving in various areas of life, such as in relationships, at work, play, and more, despite ups and downs. 

It’s the knowledge that we are not our problems and the belief that we can handle those problems. It is important to understand what mental well-being is not. 

  • Mental wellbeing is not the absence of mental illness 
  • Mental wellbeing is not the lack of problems, challenges, and adversity
  • Facing Adversity with confidence and belief shapes and develops mental health and wellbeing.
  • We can say that Mental well-being is how we respond to life’s ups and downs.

Deeper Meaning And Implication

Mental well-being includes how a person thinks and handles emotion (emotional wellness), and how he acts.  The qualities are all actually skills we can practice and develop. They are all part of mental wellbeing:


Accepting our strengths and weaknesses. Being dependent on ourselves for our happiness. Using our unique character strengths for creating meaning and increasing satisfaction. Knowing and remaining true to our values.

Desire for continued growth

Thriving in the face of adversity, developing emotional resilience. Nurturing and pursuing interests.

Recognizing collective life 

Sense of self as part of something greater. Maintaining emotionally healthy relationships


A perspective shift can add a lot to our mental well-being. Having an accurate perception of reality and trying to be optimistic. Happiness comes from within rather than being dependent on external conditions.


Try to transform our thoughts and interests into action. It is not becoming dependent on external factors. It is in contrast to a passive mindset and lifestyle which makes us wait for things to get better. 


Perseverance and consistency in putting our best in our life is called grit. People who develop grit can experience well-being. Grit is comprised of passion and perseverance and means showing up for life. It’s a never-give-up attitude. It doesn’t mean never failing. Failure is a part of success and life itself. Grit means getting back up every time you fall.

Together, all of this defines emotional and mental well-being. It’s purposely moving forward with determination, perseverance, courage, belief, and direction.

Key Factors in Maintaining Mental Wellbeing

1. Eliminating stressors 

First, try to Identify and reduce your stressors – at work and home. Our reaction of triggers can be altered by perspective shift. It isn’t always possible to remove all stressors from life, as sometimes things have happened or are going to happen that are unchangeable. However, there are often things that can be done to remove or at least reduce the root causes of stress. The more we understand those stressors, the easier it is to cope with them. It’s important to acknowledge our sphere of influence as well, i.e. what we have the power to change. Often, we are wasting time and energy. And we often worry about things that we simply can’t change but must learn to cope with in a healthy way.

Factors Affecting Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing
Factors Affecting Mental Health and Mental Well-being

2. Developing Resilience 

Developing resilience will help us understand our responses to pressure and how to become more resilient when faced with adversity.

Psychological resilience 

Psychological resilience is about adapting and maintaining emotional strength in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or sources of stress. Building resilience helps us manage difficult experiences and maintain positive emotions. Resilience is only partly determined by personality, and aspects can also be learned and developed. People are surprisingly capable of learning the skills to become more resilient. There are some of key behaviors that resilient people tend to practice more. Theses traits can be developed over time.

Develop a resilient thinking style 

Take a step back and consider how you are interpreting the situations that are causing you to stress, as it’s often how we perceive and make sense of a situation that determines how we feel about it, rather than the situation itself. Sometimes we can develop ‘thinking errors’, especially when we’re under pressure, where negative thinking can spiral out of control and we’re not seeing the facts and evidence of the situation, but allowing our unhelpful (often unfounded) thoughts to drive emotional stress response. Re-evaluating a situation based on the actual evidence and facts can help minimize stress and improve how we feel about it. 

3. Healthy Lifestyle 

Exercise, diet, and sleep are the cornerstones of resilience – remaining fit and healthy is a key factor in combatting stress and staying well. It’s often the last thing we feel like focusing on when we’re under pressure, but it’s so important to keep an eye on this when facing the pressures. It involves food modifications, incorporation of a regular exercise schedule getting quality sleep, and forming genuine bonds with like-minded people. 

Looking after ourself 

It involves taking care of our lifestyle habits and well-being to prevent illness.

Eat well

Paying attention to what we eat; a well-balanced diet can do wonders for your mood, sleep, and energy levels. Eating well can help support positive mental health, and must be a part of your self-care routine.

Food, Nutrition, Clean eating habits
Healthy Eating Habits

Manage stress

Stress can take a toll on our mental health. We must try to Keep stress under control by recognizing triggers and counteract them with self-care. Anything that relaxes our mind can reduce stress. For example, watch a favorite movie or call a close friend. Try to recognize any automatic negative thoughts and try to minimize your response towards them. It feels challenging at first, but this is an important step in improving your psychological well-being.

If you feel lack of clarity, focus or any issues affecting the quality of your life and relationship. You can consult an expert therapist online from the comfort pf your home. YOUR Online Therapy  

Mental wellbeing, personal connections, bonding, healthy activities
Healthy Activities
mental wellbeing, relaxation, removing stress
January is Mental Wellbeing Month | Magellan Health Insights

Exercise regularly

Physical activity can lift our mood. Try taking a walk around the neighborhood. Go at your own pace.

Practice relaxation techniques

Practicing short mindfulness exercises can also help you relax in the moment. 

Get enough sleep

The importance of quality sleep and good sleep hygiene cannot be understated. Get to bed at a reasonable hour every night.

Get professional help if you need it

Don’t be ashamed to reach out for professional help if your mental health is suffering. Sometimes a professional healthcare provider is the best option for improving your mental well-being.

4. Connecting on a Personal Level

It is an acknowledged fact that social support is a defining factor in promoting mental well-being, so seeking support from whoever you feel is appropriate during difficult times is important. Interacting with other people—especially face-to-face—is a great way to combat stress and boost your mood.

The Potential Of Connecting With People
The Potential Of Connecting With People

5. Develop an internal ‘Locus of Control’. 

Taking control of our life requires working on self-esteem, confidence, and belief in our capability to cope with the challenges life throws at us. Locus of control refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives. When dealing with a challenge in life, if someone feels they have control over the outcome then they are said to have an internal locus of control. Whereas if someone feels that they are simply at the hands of external forces, that is known as an external locus of control. It has more to do with how we feel about ourselves and our estimation of our own capabilities to manage our life. Locus of control is a continuum. People who tend to take control of situations, problem solve more effectively, and have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem which all drive resilience and wellbeing. Such people have an internal locus of control.  It is a fact that personality and past experiences shape our locus of control, but the good news is it can be developed and shaped.  

Mental wellbing, purpose, self acceptance, growth, coonnection, resilience
Carol Ryff’s model of Psychological Well-Being 

Psychological and mental wellbeing model by carol ryff
Carol Ryff’s model of Psychological Well-Being 

Someone living with a mental illness can achieve mental well-being; likewise, someone who has neither mental nor physical illnesses could have a poor state of mental well-being. Mental well-being and all that it encompasses are vital life components in their own right. They’re not something that exists solely in the absence of problems. Mental well-being is the positive aspect of mental health. It is more than the absence of disease. People with mental well-being feel good and function well. Some people call this positive mental health, others call it flourishing. Mental health and well-being are personality traits and skills that we continually develop as we live a tumultuous and quality life. Carol Ryff's model shown in the above figures highlights the factors responsible for maintaining healthy mental and psychological well-being. When we are psychologically and mentally healthy, we can:

form positive relationships

cope with routine challenges

use our abilities to reach our potential. 

So, It is about much more than just the absence of mental ill health.

Mental Wellbeing and Overall General Health

The evidence is clear and consistent in this area, the better your mental well-being, the better your health, and the better your performance at work.  Everyone experiences highs and lows in their sense of mental well-being. We must look after our mental well-being and the mental well-being of our family, friends, and teams. If you or someone you know are suffering from any issues that need to be addressed by a therapist seek immediate help. 

Mental Wellbeing









For Online Therapy &  YOUR MENTAL WELL-BEING 


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